Parker is a 30-year-old Producer, Director, and social media expert living in Los Angeles, CA. She has worked with iconic brands like IPSY, ScreenJunkies, Viacom, and Hearst in a variety of positions all across the social media landscape.

Hello everyone!

I’m Parker Roberts, textbook Taurus, DIY enthusiast, and most likely to be the first person you think of when you hear Taylor Swift. I have lived in Los Angeles for 8 years, but I was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. My dog Ryder is my favorite creature on the planet, and he takes full advantage of that. In my free time, you’ll find me immersed in my latest creative project or running my Etsy store (when I am not consuming hours of social media content). Most of all, I am a self diagnosed chronic-creative, and I can’t wait to share that creativity with you!